CD-BCO03 (Jan 11, 2020)

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“I wanted to confirm that you received, through any number of means, the item in question which I have delivered to you.”
No. 53 Trivia | 2 Words


Hover over the clues if you require!
Clue 1: No. 53 is a certified meme lord.
Clue 2: Can you reword this clue sentence to a question?

Answer and Explanation

Answer: Peter Potamus
Explanation: In the sitcom Harvey Birdman, Attorney at Law, Peter Potamus makes a habit of asking people “Did you get that thing I sent you?”, which has been frequently memed. The clue is a roundabout way of saying the same catchphrase.


Summary of Receipt

Employee 53 (Amber/T.C. 53) meets Mr. Smith (Goibniu), a Celtic counterpart to Mr. Gehrels (Daedelus). Gehrels apparently requires specialised Otherside tech to contact. Anyway Sir Kay (the Arthurian knight) beat Mrs, Kay by just dipping an iron shield in aluminium so there you go. There’s also someone called ‘goose egg’, whoever that is.


DATE: 1-11-2020
TOTAL: $8.88?!
Well, once again, I have single-handily saved this entire organization with my undeniable and impossibly mad skills. Dare I say it? Hm... Yes, I think I dare say it. Skillz. With a z, baby. With a freakin’ z. Guess who got a shiny new shield? It’s me! The thing is, everyone always assumes I’m just doing my normal... okay “normal” 53 thing, where I make a bunch of coffee and just spill it all over the place. That’s always kinda the role of 53, isn’t it? To make the actual coffee in this CAFE and Diner business? Meanwhile, you are all out there making reports just spilling straight tea! Honestly, you all have something to learn about the fine art of just flat out LYING to everyone everywhere, always about everything. However, in between all the lies and deception, you’ll find a very bored woman who has too much time on her hands. So I started doing some reading. Reading about Celtic mythology. Turns out there’s a lot of it, and it’s all from different sources, haha. Top that off with, we don’t know what is just a myth and what is a myth come to life lately but metal claws got me thinking. Making connections. Drawing conclusions.

Okay, so you know how when we need some very specific Otherside tech or item or device or whatever we get in touch with Mr. Gehrels? Mr. Gehrels is what I would consider a “mythological” figure. Of course, he’s actually just a demon and was a real person at some point, so his demony-butt ended up in the Necropolis with all the other dead losers. So I was thinking, hmm, what if there is some Celtic-y counterpart to Mr. Gehrels? Hm? HMMM? Well, the answer would be YES sorta, kinda, more like a Celticy Hephaestus type. Blah blah blah long story short, I got in touch with a one Mr. Smith. A horrible name, I know. How did I get in touch with him, you may ask? We’ll call it a 53 trade secret. Besides, if I told you, you’d just assume I’m lying as always. To be honest, I feel like a very undervalued member of our coffee family. Is it because I don’t write reports as much as you all do? Is that it? My distaste for paperwork makes me not as interesting as Mr. 17. More like 17 reports a day. Ah, just kidding, Lixypoo, you know I love you. Where was I? Oh yeah, yeah, anyway, Mr. Smith. I asked him about the claw situation, and tbh we would not have figured this one out ourselves. It was just an iron shield dipped in aluminum that Sir Kay used against Cath Palug. It’s not that Cath Palug can’t slice through it but apparently, something, something I wasn’t listening to very well, ahaha. Uh... yeah, that’s pretty much it. I’ve already told goose egg the REAL tea about Mr. Smith and what I did blah, blah, blah, so don’t worry about that. He said (more or less), “Wow 53 amazing work. You are so talented. I know that what you did was risky, so I think it’d be a good idea if you didn’t do that ever again but good job nonetheless tell no one about this.”

Best case? We slay (or is it re-slay?) Cath Palug, and there are no further consequences from what I have done here today. Worst case... we get a visit from a nasty little bird. In fairness, I think she would’ve shown up sooner or later anyway without my uh interference. At least that’s what all my researchin’ has said about it. Can’t avoid her forever, so might as well welcome her in, right? Right? RIGHT?

Eh, we’ll see.