CD-ARDS01 (Sep 30, 2023)
“I’ve got a secret, the start of the silenziosa.”
Dover Trivia | 1 Double Hyphenated Word
Hover over the clues if you require!
Clue 1: Dover is as much of a coffee maker as he is a coffee sipper.
Clue 2: Silenziosa refers to whom?
Clue 3: She left a signal in one of her receipts.
Clue 4: You will need 5 liters of GAS.
Answer and Explanation
Answer: 1-11-22
Explanation: Silenziosa, or Nancy Langley, wrote a receipt in Debt Come Due's GAS (Got A Secret) receipts on the 11th of January, 2022.
Summary of Receipt
Receipt: CD-ARDS01
Author: Dover
Status: Cafe Diner
Subject: Mr. Cold
We made it to the Arches. While Katherine and Sarah were sleeping, I was accosted by Secret’s main minions, Silenziosa and Indrid Cold. Silenziosa is sticking to her terms with the Secret, whatever they might be, so she won’t be joining us for at least a year and a half, and I doubt we have that much time left anyway. Best case scenario, her meter never stopped running, and the soonest she’ll be free from Secret is 1-11-25. Though she’s still against helping Secret reactivate the Netzach for what it’s worth. And it seems like for our best chance at stopping him, we’ll need Warden and Joy back.
Dover: Who’s there!?
Mr. Cold: Hello, my name is Indrid Cold.
Dover: Oh. It’s “you.”
Silenziosa: It’s a beautiful night, isn’t it, Dover?
Dover: Nancy?! What are you—
Silenziosa: Calm down. We’re here of our own accord, not Secret’s.
Dover: It’s true then, you’re still working for Secret?
Silenziosa: I have to. I made a deal with him. I still owe another year and a half to my service.
Mr. Cold: It’s a beautiful night under a beautiful sky. Would-would-would you like to see the stars with me?
Dover: Couldn’t you just break your contract with Secret? I mean, Amber did and—
Silenziosa: And look at the price she paid to do so. Dover, Secret promised me something I thought I’d never have. I can’t risk that now. But… I don’t want to help Secret reactivate the Netzach, either. Nothing good could possibly come from creating Gods.
Mr. Cold: It’s a beautiful night under an ugly sky-sky-sky. Would you like to watch the stars rot and fall apart with us?
Dover: So… you’re going to help us?
Silenziosa: As much as we are able to, yes. However, you cannot trust me or Indrid. At the end of the day, we are tools of Secret. We must carry out his will.
Mr. Cold: It’s a cold night under a frozen-zen-zen sky. Would-would-would-would you like to be as-as-as human as it gets?
Dover: Is there anything we can do… about Indrid?
Mr. Cold: Hello, my name is Indrid Cold. It’s a beautiful night under a beautiful sky. Would you like to see the stars with me?
[Silenziosa shook her head]
Dover: But we could—
Silenziosa: The past is in the past.
Dover: But—
Silenziosa: Dover, Indrid is trapped inside a wardenless prison. One without joy. Do you understand?
Dover: Yeah, yeah. I get the picture.
Silenziosa: Good. Come along, Indrid. We have business elsewhere.
Mr. Cold: —Would you like to see the endless expansion of the Universe with me? D-D-D-Dove— Hello, my name is Indrid Cold. It’s a beautiful night under a beautiful sky.