C-TDT01 (Oct 2, 1995)
“The Devil take me if I’ve made three dollars selling coffee.”
Research | 5 Words
Hover over the clues if you require!
Clue 1: Is the clue similar to anything?
Clue 2: Who is Mr. Walker and where is he from?
Clue 3: Less of three dollars, and more of a farthing.
Answer and Explanation
Answer: The Devil And Tom Walker
Explanation: The clue is a reference to the quote 'The Devil take me if I have made a farthing', from The Devil and Tom Walker.
Summary of Receipt
The Owner talks about Mr. Walker. A consort and former Witch of Satan until he broke his contract, he is able to enter the Flipside without needing Boogeyman powers or limitations, similar to Mr. Gray. On a new moon, he can reappear in the Flipside with a sack that needs to be filled with coins before the next full moon, or he dies. Well, dies again. The issue is that the next full moon is in six days, so the CaD doesn’t have much time to track him down.
DATE: 10/02/95
Mr. Gray turned out to be a little less helpful than I was hoping, but he was able to turn our attention to another, perhaps more knowledgeable, consort of Satan, Tom Walker. Yes, the very same Tom Walker from Irving's story. Though, unlike Dorian Gray, who is more so a demon named after the fictional character, Mr. Walker is assuredly one and the same as The Devil and Tom Walker. Of course, Irving editorialized the story quite a bit; the important details are all mostly true.
Mr. Walker was indeed once a man from Massachusetts who made a deal with the Devil. Well, not THE Devil, but Satan. In this regard, he was at one point a witch of Satan until he broke his initial contract by declaring the Devil should take him if he made a farthing. Well, that part might be a bit stretched in truth as well. From what #71 has told me and from my own studies in demonology and the history of our brummagem priest, Tom Walker failed to satisfy Satan's contractual agreements in life, leading to him taking his soul in death.
Now, you might think failing Satan would earn you a spot in the deepest, dankest, dirtiest, darkest trench in Pandemonium, but you'd be wrong. Satan apparently took a liking to Tom and took pity on his failure offering the newly born demon a place in his house as one of his consorts. Now, this part is more or less conjecture, but… I am of the belief that Satan and Tom had a more romantic relationship together, leading to Tom's place of favor in his house. Of course, that would be rather sweet if Satan didn't murder Tom's wife leaving only her liver and heart for him to find. In any case, Tom, much like Dorian, also has the rare privilege of having a method to come Flipside without the need for Boogieman's powers.
Mr. Walker can come Flipside during any new moon. He brings an empty sack that must be filled with coin before the next full moon, or he dies. Now there is one issue with this. As far as I know, there is no reason Mr. Walker must come Flipside. We have to hope that his greed compels him to steal wealth from human pockets once more. Not to mention that the next full moon is… in six days. There's not much time to track him down, assuming he is currently Flipside. I'll have #17 keep an eye and ear out for anyone who might know where and when Mr. Walker can be found.