DD-TLG02 (Mar 8, 2022)

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Knowledge | 4 Words


Hover over the clues if you require!
Clue 1: You might want to read the previous receipt real carefully.
Clue 2: What is No. 4 waiting for?
Clue 3: What does it mean? Maybe a bit of travelling to a month, rewound by the Aide of the Night is in order.

Answer and Explanation

Answer: Three To Become One
Explanation: In C-TLG01, Manager No. 4 says he will be waiting for T2B1, which stands for "Three to Become One" in IIAWNO02.


Summary of Receipt

Manager 5 lists the four contingency plans they have:
1. Cut Manager 4’s arm off. Not really ideal, since he’s one of their main powerhouses and losing an arm would be pretty bad.
2. Give him Manager 2, Manager 3 and Manager 6’s bits of the Mantle of 8, granting extra protection and buying some time for Astoria to help out.
3. Fulfill the Wicked’s plan, except on their terms. Hopefully, Manager 4, Manager 5 and Manager 6 can beat the Wicked back.
4. Should that fail and Manager 4 becomes the Wicked’s vessel, do their best to kill him.


[DATE] 3/8/22

Bleak, isn't it? The Big Guy's got a lot of restraint. I'll give him that. "Scratch?" We passed “a scratch” a few weeks ago. I'm amazed his arm is still bloody attached. Not to mention the odorous fumes of "Funk" emanating from where the Blight meets the magic. Makes me sick to my stomach, and you'd think I'd be well enough acquainted with that smell by now. What's done cannot be undone. Fancy it a bit morbid, we have to discuss the… "options," should the Blight overtake Jules. But, not that we haven't had these sorts of talks before. Keep in mind, these are our plans of last resort, choice? Our main focus is getting the Fountain back to Eden, which should stem the magic and calm the Blight. Should.

Plan Cortado
A right bloody solution. But good 'ol Hearse seemed rather keen on it. We cut the magic off at the source. Arm and all. He said he'd be available to perform such an operation. However, seeing as Jules is one of our main Cryptid hunters… taking him down an arm is not an ideal solution by any means. Don't get me wrong, I know he could still hunt with the best of them with or without arms. But even the Big Guy would need some recovery time after that. And considering the state of things and a possible new plane of the Otherside opening up, well, I'd like him to be at his best. Still, this is our first line of defense against much worse fates.

Plan Flat White
So, suppose we can't just lop the arm off. Maybe it's bound there by some sort of magic or Blight. Then it's only a matter of time before Julius becomes the next Masoch. We can potentially ease off the Blight's control with a bit more of the Mantle. It's worked well enough for me so far. Of course, the Mantle is a pretty finite thing, choice? So we might need to shuffle things around a bit. If this becomes the case, Nick, Jackie, and Crystal have all anted up. However, if we've reached this point, we can assume that the magic is still flowing and Blight is still burning. Even with a bit more of the Mantle… well. It'll buy us time to figure out what we can do. I know that the higher-ups at corporate have been very hands-off with our affairs, but I'd like to think they'd lend a hand if it gets to this point.

Plan Galao
Something we've been cooking up at the Florida location since '06. Three to become one. Finally, put the last pieces of the Wicked's original plan into place, just on our own terms, choice? It's been something of our endgame from the very beginning. However, it's taken us 16 years to get to this point, and I'd say we're still a long way from figuring it all out. I'm still missing some of the more "refined" points even with my expanded scope. But if we get to this point, what do we have to lose? A failure is just a half success, after all. Worst case is we can't pull it off. Which would leave us no other choice.

Plan Black
Last resort. The last goodbyes. I can't imagine the Wicked would let him go without a fight, but it's a fight I reckon we could win.