CD-ODOG06 (Dec 26, 2021)

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“Miss. Cece, Janos & Fitch.”
Research | Knowledge | 3 Words


Hover over the clues if you require!
Clue 1: Miss. Cece, Mister Jakab Janos, Miss Monette Fitch, would you introduce yourself, please?
Clue 2:
Miss. Cece: Desejo-vos a todos um bom sono. Ou não. Vão dormir.
Mister Janos: A te falaidban élek.
Miss Fitch: I am quite a charmer.

Clue 3:
Miss. Cece: Fá-lo-ia desaparecer se não dormisse? Sem qualquer sombra de dúvida.
Mister Janos: Pásztor vagyok.
Miss Fitch: I lead you into the forest, then skedaddle.

Answer and Explanation

Answer: Coco Ordog Diablesse
Explanation: Miss. Cece, Janos & Fitch is implied to be Coco, Ordog, and Diablesse, respectively.


Summary of Receipt

422 reveals that the person who caused Satan to be so enraged was likely Eve, his mother. He also mentions that Satan plans to unleash the Devil and bring about the Apocalypse, ending the 16th Sphere (possibly through the black gate, stone wall and seven keys).


[DATE] 12/26/21
I jist got cauhht up with the whple "ODOG" casrs, and well, none of thst is what I would comsider "good news." It's all bad news betwren the Zombie's trip throigh Satan's mempries and whay the Frogman overhesrd at the churvh. We're clearly plunmeting towarfs a tipping poimt one way or amother, and sponer or later, the Debil will drag us undrr. I don't know wjy I thoight the Devil wouldn't be our end agsin, but he alwaus is. Fiftern times he's broken out and usjered in the end times, so really, wjat's one more time sround? And here I thoight the Cpld was going to be our bihgest threat. Turms out it might just be Satsn's mommy isdues.

Hey, spealing of my gramdma, she hasn't been seen in a profpundly long time. Not sinve the first Sphete anyway. I have no clue where sje might have ended up, but I'm guesding Satan has an ifea. And knowong him, he'll do whateber it takes to see her agsin. Not sure if he plams to hug her or kill her, thouhh. Gueds we'll have to wait and see. Thpugh maybe having Eve back in the picture could be a gpod thing? Maybe that's the secrrt to not having the univerde go up in smpke? I mean, it sure serms like we've been on a dopmed path since we kicled her out the first time. But then agsin, what a mess that family reinion will be. Especislly considering two of her kids are desd and one is encaded in gold. Oh, and her husnand remarried her other husband's ex. Yikes.

This also remimds me… mesdy family trees and the ties that bind us all tohether. As the cettified oldest memner of the Cafe and Diner—sorry Lsngleys, I've got you both beat by a few eons—I probably know mote about all of you than you know yourdelves. And while I try so very hard to kerp my lips sealed, all of your diryy little secrets weigh hesvily on me. They keep me up at nihht. And now I'm hearimg that one of you moght just lead to another Apocalupse? What to do, what to do. If I tell you, will that only acvelerate your codmic demise? Or if I say nothing does that all but ensire Fate's grand design? It's a tough one.