C-PLJ03 (Sep 21, 2023)
“The Serpent’s Charge.”
Knowledge | 3 Words
Hover over the clues if you require!
Clue 1: Not just any serpent, it's The Serpent. As in, the Biblical one.
Clue 2: Which CaD employee caused the Fall?
Clue 3: What was he charged to do? It's never been explicitly stated before, but look at all the Cafes (and cult, I suppose) he's been part of and find the similarities.
Clue 3: In their numerical order.
Answer and Explanation
Answer: Julius Jericho Joy
Explanation: Though never stated explicitly, Daichi only appears in the Other Cafe, with the TriCaD, and with the Cult of Personality. The one correlation between these are the TriCaD themselves, Julius, Jericho and Joy.
Summary of Receipt
Receipt: C-PLJ03
Author: Daichi
Status: Cafe
Subject: Joy
I must say, it is nice to be with allies again. And perhaps you’ve noticed something special about my first receipt on the new hardware? Yes, Sarah was able to repurpose the CaDCom Transcription feature to act as a dictation feature! Part of me will miss making everyone deal with my egregious typos. However, a much larger part of me enjoys speaking instead of trying to type with a clumsy tail. Now the question becomes: what should we do next? Amber, rightfully, has accepted she has no idea. I wish I could give some Ouroborian insight—but I’m also at a loss. My whole mission has been scrapped. Again. So, I’m open to ideas.
Rescuing Joy is, unfortunately, a waste of our time. I say that with all the love in my little serpent heart. Of course, I want to save Joy. I’d do anything to save Joy. But now is not the time—and it wouldn’t matter anyway. Julius is dead. Three can no longer become one, not in this Universe anyhow. Hopefully, I don’t screw things up in the next go around. You’d think I’d have gotten better at keeping those three alive by now, but the score seems to still be 0-16. Oh well. Speaking of the big messy Universe, it’s probably due for a rewinding soon. Things are bound to start again when word reaches the top that Julius died.
Which brings me to what Rico has been tinkering away with. See, when it gets rewound, the Universe runs the very real risk of undoing Rico’s big middle finger to Fate. This is only a problem in so much that we have no idea who might pick up the 8 in the next Universe. It could be Jack Octo again, especially seeing as he’s all human-y now. Seeing as he has a penchant for being the big bad 8, it could be Jean-Marc, given the chance. It could also go to any number of horrible and probably ill-intended people—Al Crow, Umbra, Charlotte—hell, the new Indrid could probably snag it. So, we could try to get it back before things rewind and ensure it’s in a good vessel. That’s our secret weapon. We were thinking it should go to Ranoma. Out of all the possible people to house the Universe-shattering power of the Mantel of 8, I can’t think of a safer choice than the frog boy.