C-AMP02 (Sep 19, 2023)
“Which, because, until, what.”
Research | 1 Word
Hover over the clues if you require!
Clue 1: This puzzle revolves around Division Ampersand. It's linked to their codenames' theme.
Clue 2: What do 'Nec' and 'Nisi' translate to? What do those words have in common with the puzzle's words?
Clue 3: Of course, it's not like you've got to just guess random Latin conjunctions and hope for the best. What do the puzzle's words translate to - individually - in Latin?
Answer and Explanation
Answer: Quod
Explanation: These are all subordinate conjunctions. These receipts revolve around Division Ampersand; their two already-shown codenamed are conjunctions in Latin. Translating 'which' (and 'because', and I suppose the other two) into Latin gives 'Quod.'
Summary of Receipt
Receipt: C-AMP02
Author: Nick
Status: Cafe
Subject: Folie
It's refreshing to finally be able to write a receipt again. Ever since Amber and Alex started using CaDComs, I'll admit I was a bit jealous. I've never been a huge fan of how dry the Agency reports have to be. I guess that's the difference between coordinating between 27 Divisions (Or back down to 26 now, huh?) and just writing between allies. Yes, we're still part of Division Ampersand, still Agent Quod, Nisi, and Nec, but we fought pretty hard for Astrid to let us help out directly with Operation Folie à Deux.
Oh, yeah, I should probably explain, huh? You're all part of a bigger Astorian operation spearheaded by Alfa herself. Operation: Folie à Deux. I don't have the clearance to spill every secret, but I can outline the main points, seeing as they concern the Folistes. When Shaka died, it left an unexpected hole in Division Zulu. When Astrid discovered that Shaka's chosen replacements were Amber and Alex, she figured it wouldn't be long before Division Zulu fell apart. Not because she didn't have faith in you, of course, but because she knew the Zulus and Secret wouldn't go along with Alex and Ambers's unique madness for long.
And if Division Zulu were to fall apart, it would give Astrid a chance to finally rid her organization of unwanted Eldritch influence—to be rid of Secret and Secret's, well, secrets. Should Secret's plans come to fruition, it would go directly against the goals of the Astoria 23rd Agency, Astrid, and the Indigo Children as a whole. While, historically, I have not agreed with all of their goals, I would err on the side of not wanting Secret's plans to work out either. He was part of the Cold, after all, agents of chaos to the Universal Order. I personally like the Universe to have some sort of order to it. So, part one has been successful: Secret's out of the Agency. Now we just need to make sure he can't get the Netzach working again.