C-BIB07 (May 28, 2022)
Knowledge | 1 Word
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Clue 1: What does W-M stand for? Two names.
Clue 2: C-BIB05.
Answer and Explanation
Answer: Wandsun-Morningstar
Explanation: In C-BIB05, Julia is called ‘Julia Wandsun-Morningstar’.
Summary of Receipt
Manager 7’s willing to go along with Satan’s plans to open the Gates of Hell in an attempt to throw off the ritual. However, something doesn’t make sense. Manager 7’s Imaginary (or Negative) Eight only gives her control of the Otherworld, not anything else. And the Gates of Hell are in the Ouroboros, inaccessible to anyone except Belphegor and the Ouroborians. Manager 7 suspects there’s another Gate he’s trying to break.
[DATE] 5/28/22
I’m not sure how I feel about the whole “join Satan or suffer” thing. I haven’t even really had the time to, like, process things fully. It’s only been five months since I discovered that Lucifer is my biological mother. And even with that, I’m not sure how I’m supposed to be the one to open the Gates to Hell. Like, even Lucifer couldn’t have done that on her own, so why would I be able to? I guess it may be because of the Imaginary Eight thing, but I still doubt it. Well… then again… maybe? It does have the power to open Other Planes. But still, it seems like a stretch.
The Imaginary Eight gives me control over the Otherworld and the End. Not so much the Flipside and Otherside. And last I checked (ok, the last someone told me), the Gates of Hell are in the Ouroboros. And neither me nor Satan can go there without Belphegor, right? And why would she let him do this? I guess maybe the Otherworld factors into Satan’s plans somehow? I mean, what if he’s not trying to open the Gates to Hell but some other Gate? From what I’ve heard, he’s never really specified, right? I know his goal in the past was to break the Gates to Hell, but maybe things are different now? No, things ARE different now. There’s a whole new Otherworld that Satan wasn’t around for.
Whatever the case is… I might go along with it. Let me be clear, I don’t want to help him. But maybe if I go along with it, I can throw off his ritual somehow? And it’s a lot better than having him sick over 300 Miss. customers on the West Coast. Right? I’m… not sure what the plan is here. I won’t do anything without hearing what Alfa has to say, though, but I have a sinking feeling Alfa would sooner kill Satan’s human weapons, and that’s not a price I’m willing to pay.