Z-TABB02 (Sep 3, 2023)
“Tinsel weaver.”
Mercutio Trivia | 1 Word
Hover over the clues if you require!
Clue 1: This one's a legend, not a festival.
Clue 2: Which animal 'weaves'? Similarly, when is tinsel usually hung up?
Clue 3: To commemorate this legend, what do Ukrainians do?
Answer and Explanation
Answer: Pavuchky
Explanation: This follows the Legend of the Christmas Spider (clued by Tinsel for 'Christmas' and Weaver for 'spider'). As a result of said legend, Ukrainians would create small Christmas tree ornaments in the shape of a spider (known as pavuchky, literally "little spiders").
Summary of Receipt
Receipt: Z-TABB02
Author: Mercutio
Status: Secret
Subject: Hyperion Cult
Ah. That is it then, isn’t it? Fenrir seeks to set things right before bringing about their end. He’s banking on the Universe being recreated, as it always has been. However, the Black Thorn lies outside of time, and so those trapped within it—Joy included—would stay right where they are. It does make me wonder why go through all this trouble then? If Fenrir only sought to free Joy and couldn’t care less who lives or dies in the process, why not just free her and let her Blight consume the world?
Well, perhaps Eve has taken Joy’s encasement and tied it up in one of her many webs. She might be using it as leverage to force Fenrir to work with her—no, for, her. It was certainly a risk we took in leaving her there, no? Though, it’s not like Eden is free from all manner of world-ending entities either. Eden being merged with the Black Tide gave Eve control over many much worse things than just Joy. And what would Eve gain from this partnership? That is what concerns me the most.
Jericho said something about how his own research always pointed back toward Eve. I wonder why that is... If only he had stuck around longer, I could’ve asked him. Oh well. Somehow, she is both the key to freeing Joy and what keeps her sealed away. As Dingane said, if Fenrir’s only goal was to ensure Joy’s return to the next Universe, he wouldn’t have to go through all the trouble of gathering Sebitti and bringing about the end of the world. He could just as easily free Joy and let her xanthic flames rage across the realms unfettered. Though… perhaps that isn’t good enough? Perhaps Fenrir wants to ensure that Joy will have no ties to the Wicked in the next Universe. And now that the Wicked is dead… well… the possibility is on the table, eh?