SB204 (Jul 18, 2023)

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Revision as of 18:05, 9 August 2023 by Ducklord (talk | contribs) (Created page with "<span style="font-size: 40px;"><strong><center>SB204</center></strong></span> __TOC__ <h1>Summary of Receipt</h1> <span style="font-size: 20px">Summary</span> <h1>Transcript</h1> <span>Receipt: SB204<br> Author: Dover<br> Status: Open<br> Subject: Hyperion Cult<br> Who’s the best greater cosmic entity that is really cool and great? D-O-V-E-R-Y D-E-M-O-N! And that, my fellow folistes, is how you get a fresh, still-alive Sebitti. The plan worked perfectly, and we didn...")
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Summary of Receipt



Receipt: SB204
Author: Dover
Status: Open
Subject: Hyperion Cult

Who’s the best greater cosmic entity that is really cool and great? D-O-V-E-R-Y D-E-M-O-N! And that, my fellow folistes, is how you get a fresh, still-alive Sebitti. The plan worked perfectly, and we didn’t cause any unexpected damage. Did you know that Sebitti whisper to you? Ugh. Creepy. I hate weird semi-inanimate Elders who like to whisper at you. At this point, it’s a tiring cliché. Anyway, that sucker is locked tight in THE ZULU VAULT! None shall enter. None shall pass. I’d like to see Fenrir and his little cultists even try it!

So far, the whispers from the second Sebitti are… I don’t know… gibberish? Ancient Akkadian? Or Sumerian? Babylonian? Eh… I have no idea. I’ve been trying my best to get the CaDCom to translate it but no luck yet. Hey! Do you know who’d probably be able to translate for us? Mr. Loveland! Of course, he’s all the way across the pond working for the least intimidating of our cult leaders. I guess if the whispers get louder or we get bored, we could see if Loveland would be willing to come take a listen for us.

We also had some time to say hi to Ed and his crew! Everyone is doing well except Pixel, that poor, poor has-been. Oh, and we got thoroughly rejected by 8-Ball for an interview. Not, uh, the Cold 8-Ball that Bingo gave us, the actual guy named 8-Ball. Though 8-Ball refused to see us, we did get to catch up with my pal Ryce Caidoz! Apparently, Ryce was given the Kronos Cafe by the old Shaka. Small world! Ryce had a little more information about the Netzach and all that, but that’s not really meant for an Open report, is it?