CD-SFE05 (Aug 29, 1988)
“Opening Date.”
Knowledge | 1 Word
Hover over the clues if you require!
Clue 1: More like the Opening Year, really.
Clue 2: Just work backwards from Open Doors.
Answer and Explanation
Answer: 1992
Explanation: The CaD officially opens in 1992.
Summary of Receipt
Baltimore finds it rather odd to have to convince Felix not to hire new people, since - as part of the deal he made for the new Universe - he handpicked every single CaD member who would be reborn in this one. Issue is, most of them haven't been born yet. Still, he imagines the old glory of the First Cafe - Sahir Bali, Aelan Analu, Alex Galvez, Salenna Whitaker, Jennifer Hepburn, and Nicole and Nicholas Langley. Of course there's also Jacquelin Lang and her new Cafe - soon followed by Jericho Myerscough, Julius Mendzoza and Joy Livingstone - though Baltimore would like to try and ensure Jaqueline stays as a Cafe Owner for longer, along with all her employees which he also names. Regardless, even the First Cafe's members are mostly too young to join, so he - and Felix - will just have to wait.
How can I possibly convince my trusted associate, Felix, that we can’t just hire new employees when I’ve gone to such great lengths to bring back the employees we already had? As part of my deal with Mammon and Belphegor, in reconstructing the very Universe, I was allowed to hand-pick each and every Cafe and Diner employee who would also be guaranteed to return to this new Universe. The problem is, they are all their current ages in 1988—some of our future employees haven’t even been born yet.
Picture the perfect recreation of the original Cafe and Diner and its founding team. The prodigious Sahir Bali, who weaves his magic in the form of his intricate web of interpersonal relationships. Aelan Analu, our in-house cryptid hunter and handler. Alex Gálvez, an alchemist of the dark brew, whose every pour of coffee artfully veils the true nature of our work. Salenna Whitaker, a peerless virtuoso in the realm of Othertech. And, of course, our critically important newcomers—the effervescent Jennifer Hepburn and the talented twins Nicholas and Nicole Langley.
Then, of course, there is the new Cafe and Diner led by Jaquelin Lang and later taken over by Jericho Myerscough, Julius Mendoza, and Joy Livingstone. Except, I think, should I be able to line things up properly, I would rather Jaquelin get a full tenure as a Cafe Owner. Though I can’t control the flow of Fate from here on out, I would like to keep Jaquelin in the fold for as long as possible. There are also Jaquelin’s employees, of course, Ashlyn Blunt, Kyle Alder, Amber Ingram, Michael Jenkins, Miranda Powell, Brent Hearse, Victoria Ward, Daniel Hamilton Jr., Rachel Rosethorn, Seth Warren, Tyler Schwarzwasser, Travis Norris, Jenny Wells, and Zachary Black.
But for now—we must wait. Even our own employees of what will be the original Cafe and Diner aren’t quite ready to sell coffee yet. Salenna is only 15, Aelan is only 13, Alex is only 10 or so, and the newcomers would all be the number after 7. Give me time, Felix.
No, give them time.