ROR03 (Jun 25, 2023)
Summary of Receipt
Blackwood and Dover figure out a way to get Rune to accept the whole soul replacement idea. They'll get a dagger, dip it in the 'replacement juice' (what they're using to replace Rune's soul), and stab her with it.
Receipt: ROR03
Author: Blackwood
Status: Open
Subject: Kings Cult
Well, while we wait for Mercutio and Silenziosa to finish their entry strategy, I figured I’d help out the best I can! And one of the last problems we seem to need to work out is… how are we going to get Rune to, you know, accept being replaced? Not that she has to consciously accept, but you know what I mean. If this replacement idea is going to work, her soul has to be in it. And it’s sort of her soul that’s the problem, right? So, we need a quick way to administer the “replacement juice,” as Dover calls it.
I’ve been wracking my head trying to think of clever ways to get her to drink it without knowing she was drinking it. One idea I had was we could do a Princess Bride. Though the Pathologist and Dover both nixed that idea. Apparently, they have no idea what would happen if someone drank the replacement juice and then didn’t get replaced. I guess it could lead to unwanted replacements or something like that. So, then I figured, well, we could fill a water balloon with the juice and throw it toward her mouth region and hope it broke and then got enough in there to make the replacement happen.
Then it hit me! While playing a game of Clue with Dover, I know exactly what our murder weapon should be! Okay, well, not a murder weapon… a… uh… replacement tool. Yes. I know what our replacement tool should be: a dagger! A poisoned dagger! Or, you know, a dagger dipped in the replacement juice! The Pathologist told me it doesn’t really matter if she drinks it or if it’s injected into her, so long as it enters her bloodstream, and what better way than with a dagger! A little gruesome, sure, but I think it might be the most direct way to get this job done.