C-N52F02 (Dec 8, 1995)

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“BaristaTech HQ”
See: N52F01 | 1 Word


Hover over the clues if you require!
Clue 1: See the bottom of N52F01.
Clue 2: Half of the code is one cipher, while half is another.
Clue 3: What cipher encodes individual letters using numbers? Which other one uses words?

Answer and Explanation

Answer: Pontchartrain
Explanation: In N52F01, the bottom can be decoded via A1Z26 and NATO Code.

Summary of Receipt

26 confirms that it’s caused by Mr. Hazen, also known as a gremlin. Or, more specifically, a lot of gremlins. They mainly just make technology go weird, though there are two types - the more harmless Esterskaldian ones, who just cause problems for the sake of nature, and the Infernusian ones, who actually steal things.


DATE: 12/E/95

Aia hoʻi, we've got gremlins in Long Beach! So, what's the deal with Mr. Hazen? Well, they're a nasty bunch, though mostly harmless. I mean, we call them "Mr." for a reason, though don't underestimate these little guys either. They're known for causing electronics and machinery to malfunction. So, yeah, I guess if they make your breaks malfunction, you might end up injured—but the good news is they seem to be more interested in playing jokes than seriously hurting anyone.

So, what does Mr. Hazen look like? Well, they're hard to spot as they have a built-in camouflage, like a chameleon. When you can get a good look at them, they're small impish creatures with sharp teeth and claws. I'd describe them as a mix between a lizard and a small primate. They're roughly 2 to 3 feet tall, with elongated limbs and pointed ears. Think like Dante's Gremlins, just with a shorter torso and less ear. Gremlins are also a highly sociable bunch, traveling in packs and communicating with each other using a series of high-pitched clicks and chirps.

Gremlins also are quite well known for their ability to make things go "haywire." Not a lot of rhyme or reason for how they make things go haywire, but I suspect it has something to do with being Esterskaldian cryptids, yeah? Machinery and tech don't mix with Esterskaldian magics. While, as far as I know, you can feed these guys past midnight, they are, funnily enough, very susceptible to water, which causes them to sort of go… "poof." Now I did say they're Esterskaldian Cryptids, though gremlins come in two distinct types, like Chupacabras. The typical Esterskaldian variety seems more focused on destroying tech for nature's sake. And then there's the much worse Infernus variety cultivated by the Prince of Greed. Infernusian Gremlins are a lot, lot, lot more mischievous and tend to use their powers to cause enough bedlam to grab their hearts' content of "shinies." So, our first step in dealing with this little troublemakers should be figuring out which type we have.