FOG01 (Oct 4, 2017)

From Cafe and Diner
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Summary of Receipt

1313 heads out to find Mrs. Amsaim, a dark miasma attracting Diptera's flies, noticed by Astoria 23 (see C-MTMN04). She asks 3113 and 3311 to come along, making this a very confusing team of numbers.



Multiple sightings of a ghost 'round the West Coast
From Golden Gate to the Centennial State
This hellish miasma spreads out with a choking haze,
One would fare well to not meet her deadly gaze.

So, it would seem that the task falls to me to head out, alone, into the mist to meet our latest customer Mrs. Amsaim or at least that is the gist. She was under the careful watch of the twenty-three, but now it would seem they had to flee, which leaves the misty task to me. Her effluvium is but one concern, as it would seem the simulium for her yet yearn. Not dissimilar to the Lone Star killer or the Beast of the Canyon Rim thriller.

Could it be a connected three? A set woven together with strings unseen? Worth a check if not to check, so consider her tab created and her breakfast eagerly set. Though I fear this task might be too much to bear alone, perhaps I need an ally who is often glued to his phone? And if one T will suffice, another T could only be nice. Perhaps the cowboy with the aim that never misses would like to join our service of this Mrs.? I suggest those two due to their experience with others of similar traits if it would not put too much upon their plates.

In any case, I’ll head out soon to investigate this hazy fog-like goon. Alone or with help, we’ll get this order served, as it is what a Mrs. Customer often deserves. Though I do wonder how many more orders will be required for those customers, we thought had once expired. It becomes a rather daunting task to deal with customers who can’t pay their tabs. To describe it elegantly, I’d say it reeks of lask.