C-TMS03 (Nov 7, 1995)
“1066 1835 1910.”
2 Words
Hover over the clues if you require!
Clue 1: ??
Clue 2: ??
Clue 3: ??
Answer and Explanation
Answer: ??
Explanation: ??
Summary of Receipt
71 summarises TMS02 - when Samuel Clemens, better known as Mark Twain, died, an entity who was part of him from the Ouroboros somehow directed his soul to the Hauntaurskald…for whatever reason. That entity, Mr. Halley, is likely linked to Halley’s Comet as the name suggests.
DATE: 11/7/95
I must admit, that is quite the connection Secret has put together. Though it still leaves some critical pieces of information unclear. For those who couldn’t quite keep up with his train of thought, I believe what Secret is proposing is that Samuel Clemens was not entirely himself in life. And I believe the logical conclusion is that the entity that was part of Samuel Clemens must have been an Ouroborian. Moreover, the entity, Ouroborian or otherwise, “died” with Clemens in 1910 but, in doing so, was able to direct Clemens’ demon to the Hauntuarskald [sic].
Now I can’t say that I know of an Ouroborian who both has the power to direct souls and has an affinity for the Prince of Wrath. Though, I suppose it isn’t guaranteed that the entity is an Ouroborian, yes? It is merely a possibility, and a strong one at that. Of course, it could be an entirely unheard-of subspecies of demon… Ah… I think I’ve talked myself into an inescapable corner, eh? Forget I said anything, and let us assume that the entity is indeed an Ouroborian… close enough to one. What is this entity?
Well, we know the form the entity took, at least in Mr. Clemens’ eyes. Halley’s Comet. Not the comet itself, of course, but I believe there is good reason to believe that this entity either draws power from the comet or… well, it doesn’t quite matter, does it? I fear that I have started to piece things together more than I should have here. Ah, isn’t that always how it seems to go? Though, if I am right, this entity, though aligned with Satan, is not beholden to him. Quite the opposite, actually. Though we still lack a way to find them, I suspect we could use Halley’s Comet somehow. Though waiting until 2061 is unappealing, to say the least. I’ll think about it further, though. We are dancing with the Devil, so to speak. While I do believe Mr. Clemens will provide us with the information, we require we might be sipping on our coffee before it has had a chance to cool.