II-TFF03 (Mar 11, 2020)
Summary of Receipt
Manager 2 - Mammon - leaves a receipt. Leviathan, Prince of Mayda, has teamed up with Miss. Tsj (tsj’ul dro’zaal, an elder), Miss. Carleton (the sunkenman) and Miss. Pelagic (despoina herself). Teams 1 and 2 - Manager 0, Manager 1, Manager 2, and Employees 17 and 44B - will deal with Miss. Pelagic. Teams 3 and 5 - Manager 3, Manager 5, and Employees 53, 161, 44A, 512 and 1313 - will deal with Miss. Carleton. Lastly, Team 4 - Manager 4 and Employees 26, 116 and 611 - will handle Miss. Tsj.
DATE: 3/11/2020
It would seem that the Lady’s Fast Food Chain serves Ice Water. Not unsurprising but still dangerous. We’ve known for a while that our Ice Water distributor likes working with other entities… but this does feel like a betrayal on a personal level. It would seem that Lady’s is looking to expand their menu to accommodate Miss. Tsj. Attempting to fly her in tomorrow at 3 A.M.
As such, I will need all available members of the Cafe and Diner. You don’t stand much of a chance against Miss. Tsj but we’re willing to help this one time. Along with Miss. Tsj I would expect Miss. Carleton and Miss. Pelagic. If you’re keeping track that’s 3 Misses. Divide and conquer will be our best strategy. Team 1 and 2 will deal with Miss. Pelagic. Team 5 and 3 will handle Miss. Carleton. Team 4 will deal with Miss. Tsj.
Be ready.
Be aware.
Be damn good baristas.