C-ADV01 (Sep 24, 2019)
“Let’s go catch a movie soon!”
Hover over the clues if you require!
Clue 1: This is a paragraph of spoiler info that is hidden unless the cursor is hovering over it.
Clue 2: This is a paragraph of spoiler info that is hidden unless the cursor is hovering over it.
Clue 3: This is a paragraph of spoiler info that is hidden unless the cursor is hovering over it.
Answer and Explanation
Answer: It's A Wonderful Life
Explanation: This is a paragraph of spoiler info that is hidden unless the cursor is hovering over it.
Summary of Receipt
DATE: 9/24/2019
So it turns out that the strange customer who was waiting for us was an Angel. I guess that kinda puts the whole “be not afraid” thing into context. Also, he didn’t just come here to talk with Julia. He came here to speak with all of us. Just one at a time. Sort of like an interrogation of sorts. He asked a bunch of questions about our involvement with the Florida Branch, whether or not we knew what the Manager was planning, what we knew about Miss. Umbra, etc., etc.
I’m assuming he asked the same questions to Julia. But she wouldn’t know any of this stuff, and they talked for A WHILE. Julia says they spent most of their time chatting about her childhood, what brought her to LA, how she likes it here if she misses her parents, the last time she spoke with her parents, and stuff like that. Apparently, neither Masoch nor the Dark popped up in their chat. Then again, this is an Angel we’re dealing with. I’m sure he knows a lot more than he’s letting on.
Back on topic, though, as we all know, Florida crossed a line and did something pretty stupid. The Angel wants me to go to the Isle of Man in the UK. Okay, near the UK in the British Isles, if you want to be specific. 11411 kept shooting me death glares whenever I said it was part of the UK. The point is that the IRIS Company is located there. They primarily handle conflicts between humans and, well, everything else, demons, angels, elders, you name it.
The Angel wanted a representative of the “Broadway” Branch (The Real Cafe and Diner) to be present for the proceedings. I’m going because I can get there the fastest. Of course, I’m also taking along the big number, but hopefully we'll be back within a week. This isn’t the full divine judgment or whatever. It’s just the immediate actions/rulings being put into place to make sure the Florida Cafe (The Fake Cafe and Diner) can’t do any more cosmic damage.