File References (Year Zero)
All Wound Up Again and Again
Hover over the spoiler to see the case name!
CAD: Cafe And Diner
BTC: Brewing The Coffee
WTC: Welcome to The Cafe
IBTC: If You Build It, They Will Come
SFE: Searching For Employees
The Friendly Face of Fate
Hover over the spoiler to see the case name!
???: ???
ACIB: A Chupacabra In the Beginning
CCAD: Constructing the Cafe and Diner
CTA: Connection Acquired
AZM: The Amazing Mr. Min
BKN: Blinking Neons
DDD: Diner Diner Diner
CWCC: Checking in With the Chickcharnarney
WMO: Welcome Mr. Octo
TBP: The Big Picture
RATP: Ring Around The Posies
SHS: Samhain Summit
TNT: The Nameless Thing
LAN: Light And Night
DTHS: Doomed To Half Success
AEP: An Elegant Presence
RATS: Rings Around The Sphere
TCC: The Cult of Coffee
TIS: Tis the Season
FFF: The Friendly Face of Fact
OCTO: The Eight