C-TCC04 (Dec 6, 1988)

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"Between the Great Wave and Tableau I."
Math Trivia | 3 Words


Hover over the clues if you require!
Clue 1: ??
Clue 2: ??
Clue 3: ??

Answer and Explanation

Answer: The Golden Ratio
Explanation: This is the name of the mathematical 'formula' that appears in both of these paintings, a geometrical version of the Fibonacci sequence.


Summary of Receipt



CAFE RECEIPT RECEIPT NUMBER: TCC04 RECEIPT DATE: 12 6 1988 MANAGER TITLE: EIGHT RECEIPT NOTES: The little boss showed up today. Shaka of Zulu. He’s got history with Baltz—and with me, I suppose. Probably just about everyone too. He’s some sort of quasi-Elder, unkillable even through the changing of Spheres. A dangerous guy. Though, realistically, his edges have softened from being alive as long as he has. Besides, I’m pretty sure he abides by truth, compassion, contentment, humility, and love :) Which is more than I can say about a lot of other quasi-Elders and especially full on Elders.


Shaka: You haven’t decorated yet.

Baltimore: Been a bit busy, Shaka.

Shaka: Never too busy for art, Eig—[Baltimore]. A few pieces would really liven this place up, you know. Le Paradis terrestre d’apres by Jan Brueghel the Elder, perhaps? Or Paradise by Oscar Parviainen?

Eight: I was thinking Nighthawks myself.

Shaka: Nighthawks? How dreadfully on the nose… and you, you must be Eight. You have them, yes? The Eight?

Eight: Oh, no messin’ around, huh? What—Secret can’t tell if I do or don’t?

Shaka: If he did, he wouldn’t tell me. I’m just curious… given our shared “Universal” dilemma. Do you have the Eight right now, Mr. Octo?

Eight: Well, why else would they call me that?

Shaka: I see. [Baltimore], your doing, I suppose?

Eight: Unintentionally.

Shaka: Oh? I suppose you would’ve liked to have it instead. Though, [Eight], it’s good to see you again. As you were.

Eight: Again?

Shaka: I suspect we’ll be seeing more of each other in the future… Duelo a garrotazos. Goya.

[Shaka gestured to a blank spot on the wall of the Cafe.]

Baltimore: Well, how would that be a good painting for a Cafe?

Shaka: Just… thinking out loud. So—remind me, [Baltimore], how do you know Eight? How are you “supposed” to know Eight?

Baltimore: Currently, I’d say serendipity. Though I’ve always seen him as a mentor figure. Someone quite well-versed in the big picture. Someone who was—is constantly expanding my own vision.

Shaka: Ah—of course.

Baltimore: Say, Shaka, what’s with the Zulus snooping around?

Shaka: You’ll have to settle for “it’s a secret,” I’m afraid. Can’t discuss the whos or whys of it.

Baltimore: Oh, come on. Is it Alfa poking her nose around, or is it Secret? That’s all I need to know.

Eight: Yeah, man, who’s scared of us? The big boss or the bigger boss?

Shaka: Just the big boss. The bigger boss is already well aware of what has happened, though he’s keeping the details scarce from me.

Eight: I suppose he must be good at keeping secrets, after all.

Shaka: Oh yes. Look, [Baltimore], I understand our presence is… unwelcome at this time. But you and I both know we both take our coffee black, yes? Something has happened here. Something that’s reconfigured everything that is.

Baltimore: What—the rewinding? Shaka, I’m sure you already know. You were there.

Shaka: Oh, no. Nothing that banal. A rewinding, a resetting, another Universe. I’ve seen plenty. This is something… new.

Baltimore: New? Will you tell us what you find, at least?

Shaka: We may both take our coffee black, but you know I can’t defy the will of Secret. And the will of Secret detests sharing notes. See you again soon, Eight.
