C-TNN05 (Oct 22, 2001)
“The tip of the iceberg.”
Red Eye Trivia | See: TNN04 | 1 Word
Hover over the clues if you require!
Clue 1: What is Red Eye's alias, as mentioned in TNN04?
Clue 2: Yes, that's the same one. What was his (or her, I guess) 'tip of the iceberg'?
Clue 3: Name of the person.
Answer and Explanation
Answer: Shimei
Explanation: Solomon’s first descent into sin was during the execution of Shimei.
Summary of Receipt
RECEIPT AS OF: 10/22/01
That is one stiff drink. Though Naberius certainly knows what he’s doing. With his Corpse Reviver No. 3, I was finally able to exert my own time powers on the bubble encasing the Gossamer Ballast. I was able to safely expand it until it slowly and safely faded out into the present time. Of course, we can’t make up for the time we lost to it, but trust me, that’s better than the alternative. As for the tourists, well, depending on when they entered the Ballast, they might just regard it as one weird weeklong party. As for others… it’ll take some time for them to mentally return to the present.
As for my dear little Clockwork Serpent, I was able to retrieve him. He was fine, perhaps a little scared and confused, but otherwise okay. I think he’ll be staying in the Ouroboros from here on out. Though… He did tell me something interesting. There is something called a wijayakusuma, or a “flower of victory,” which grows where he usually spends his Flipside time. He said that such a flower is said to be able to bring people back from the dead… I wonder if it might help in our quest to resurrect the prior 8? It might be something worth looking into, at least.
And as for Asmi, I paid her a visit once we got out. I don’t know if she knows how involved I am with the Cafe or not. I only went there to complain about her stealing one of my children and forcing him to produce a nightclub-sized time bubble against his will. All I got were the usual sibling palliatives. Oh, it won’t happen again, oh I didn’t realize he was yours (that’s rich), oh, I just wanted to see if I could make my Flipside nightclubs less intrusive. Whatever.