C-ITN02 (Sep 2, 2001)
“We were up above it.”
Marocchino Trivia | 3 Words
Hover over the clues if you require!
Clue 1: ??
Clue 2: ??
Clue 3: ??
Answer and Explanation
Answer: Down In It
Explanation: The song ‘Down In It’, by Nine Inch Nails, contains the lyrics ‘I was up above it’ in its chorus.
Summary of Receipt
RECEIPT AS OF: 9/02/01
Ugh. We're dead.
Well, not totally dead. But humans really aren't supposed to hang around the Otherside for too long, especially uninvited. If we can't find a way back to the Flipside, we'll almost certainly die. It's pretty morbid, but it's whatever. Everyone dies at some point. The real issue is Lucifer. She's all… human-y. No one's really sure what would happen if Lucy died as a "human," but it probably wouldn't be good. Usually, when a Prince dies, they die as a demon and can sorta hold off on the whole reincarnating business until they can be brought back. If Lucy died as a human, she'd be reincarnated as a demon again, sure, but not the demon she currently is. Maybe. I don't know. No one does. Princes don't usually become humans.
Worst of all, it's so dark here. Like, I get it. It's the very bottom of the Otherside beneath an endless ocean. Of course, it's not gonna be super bright. But I can hardly see half a foot in front of me—and that's after my eyes have adjusted. Right now, we're all just sort of stuck on what feels like a rock or something. We've been taking turns scouting out a few feet in each direction to see if we can find someplace to go, but so far… no luck—just rock. And of course, Lucy can't just magic up some light for us, which—hang on…
Carajillo has fire magic? Since when? Ughhh, this would've been useful, oh, I don't know, an hour ago? Great. Well, I guess we're gonna set off now that Carajillo remembered he could make a fire in his hands. Spectacular. Hopefully, we can find a city or something that is notably less rocky. There's gotta be cities in the Necropolis, right? Like the reborn souls of dead humans don't just wander around in darkness forever, do they? That'd suck.