Z-ROR05 (Jun 27, 2023)

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Revision as of 18:24, 10 July 2023 by Ducklord (talk | contribs) (Created page with "<span style="font-size: 40px;"><strong><center>Z-ROR05</center></strong></span> __TOC__ <h1>Puzzle</h1> <p style="text-align:center;font-size: 20px">“A section by any other name would smell as sweet.”<br> Dover Trivia | 1 Word</p> <h1>Clue</h1> <span style="font-size: 20px"><strong>Hover over the clues if you require!</strong></span><br> <span style="font-size: 20px">Clue 1: <span class="spoiler-text">??</span></span><br> <span style="font-size: 20px">Clue 2: <span c...")
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“A section by any other name would smell as sweet.”
Dover Trivia | 1 Word


Hover over the clues if you require!
Clue 1: ??
Clue 2: ??
Clue 3: ??

Answer and Explanation

Answer: Replacement
Explanation: This section's name is Replacement, while the puzzle itself literally replaces 'rose' with 'section'.


Summary of Receipt



Receipt: Z-ROR05
Author: Dover
Status: Secret
Subject: Kings Cult

So, I guess we’re really doing this thing, huh? Literally stabbing Katherine in the back. LITERALLY. Well, semi-literally. I believe the Shakas plan is to stab her in the HEART. WHICH IS WORSE. But… I suppose that wouldn’t kill her under normal circumstances. Still, we have no idea what this will do to her soul. I guess… all we can do is hope it works out. If not, Kikimora had me augment my Replacement Juice slightly to add a little sedative. If the Soul Replacement doesn’t work, the Vecuronium Bromide, 40 crushed-up Benadryls, and splash of Purple Drank, I put in there should do the trick. She’s like four-foot-eleven. This will absolutely do the trick.

And if the questionable cocktail of whatever I could get together doesn’t knock her out, the Replacement process should at least knock the wind out of her. Then the question becomes… what to do with her body? Kikimora wants to bring it to the Freezer, of course. But Capgras thinks it’d be safer in the Tides of the Black Thorn. Twain, however, thinks we should keep her HERE in the Astoria 23rd Seabase. I think… it might be a good idea to put her into a safe and distant alternate Cycle. Somewhere where she won’t be poked and prodded for the rest of her semi-unending life. Of course, that won’t fly with the Shakas cuz of the secrets rattling around in her head.

Well… hopefully, we won’t need to figure out what to do with her body because my research will work. Positive affirmations. I’m trying them out. In any case, this section for the Archives is just about done anyhow. Win or lose, we’re creeping up on that lucrative 3-month mark, where one section seems to end, and another begins. I’m sure the next one will be all about Fenrir and his desire to eat the sun or whatever. Two villain arcs in a row seems a bit… cynical, but I guess, as Warden would probably like to say if they could remember, this might just be our darkest timeline yet.