CD-LAN04 (Nov 21, 1988)

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"East West North and South."
Knowledge | 5 Words


Hover over the clues if you require!
Clue 1: Have you read Otherworldly Adventures?
Clue 2: This isn't (directly) about the Otherworldly Planes themselves - rather, there's a certain symbol for each of them. What are they?
Clue 3: Babe of Lucifer with locks of gold, Half-Prince unleashing horrors four-fold...

Answer and Explanation

Answer: Toads Crows Ravens And Swans
Explanation: This is a reference to the poem in Otherworldly Adventures' mentioned in either DD-TCW04 or BMN02, which links each Plane of the Otherworld to a cardinal direction and a symbolic animal. The East plane corresponds to Toads, the West has Crows, and so on.


Summary of Receipt



RECEIPT DATE: 11 21 1988

I gave in. Or perhaps I took control. The lines blur so easily between their voices and mine. The essences no longer whispered; they spoke—a language older than the Sphere, older than light.

I feel them now, faint but persistent, tethered to me as much as to their newly created realms. They are no longer voices in the void; they are real, whole. And yet, I wonder: have I truly hidden them from the rest of reality? Or have I merely delayed their inevitable discovery?

The mark of their creation pulses on my arm, a constant reminder that the balance I sought to preserve is now mine to guard. For now, the Otherside, the Flipside… hopefully even the Topside remains unaware of what I’ve done. But secrets have a way of surfacing, and Fate is always watching, always waiting.

Still, I don’t regret it.

If they are to exist, they will exist on my terms. And if the Universe must bend to make room for them, so be it.


Mon Amour: What is it you want—exactly?

Miss. Others: To be. To dream as you dream. To exist as you exist.

Mon Amour: You want my help… to exist? But if I help you, it risks all that I am. To create—without a tool of creation—

Miss. Others: You don’t need one. You are creation. You are your mother’s daughter.

Mon Amour: Who are you?

Miss. Others: Night.

Mon Amour: Night?

Miss. Others: Formless. Born of a dream. Born of Chaos’ blood.

Mon Amour: Chaos’ blood? But—

Miss. Others: A tragedy, truly. You have a chance to help set it right.

Mon Amour: How? How does giving you life—form, existence—set things right? If what you say is true… how?

Miss. Others: We are not because He did not allow us to be. But we still are, aren’t we? Even if you are not the one to bring us Light, we will find it elsewhere. But you—it is your right, as Chaos’ youngest child, to give us life. Do so, and we will be in your debt.

Mon Amour: No. No debt. If I were to give you existence, it would be because it is right to do so.

Miss. Others: And is it right?

Mon Amour: Is it true—what you said? About my mother? About Eve? Is she—was she…?

Miss. Others: She is. You are.

Mon Amour: …What do you need me to do?

Miss. Others: Anchor our essence to your siblings’ Planes. Allow us to co-exist.

Mon Amour: And… who exactly is “us”? How many of you are there?

Miss. Others: We are formless. By necessity, there can only be six of us.

Mon Amour: Four. I don’t trust Mammon, and I don’t trust you with the Spire of the Night.

Miss. Others: Then there will be four.

Mon Amour: Four Planes and nothing more. And—you will be bound to me. To my will. You will exist, but only as an extension of me. Would that be… acceptable?

Miss. Others: What happens if you die?

Mon Amour: …I’ll release you. You’ll exist fully. But that doesn’t mean you can kill me. No backstabbing.

Miss. Others: Of course not. You will have complete control over us. If you will us destroyed, we will be undone.

[Mon Amour extended her arm, as if to shake hands with Night itself. A glowing brand appeared on her skin, two eights crossed into a fourfold figure, as the essences of Belphegor’s dreams anchored to the Morningstar, Hauntaurskald, Esterskald, and Mayda.]
