C-CWCC04 (Oct 4, 1988)
Revision as of 22:49, 3 November 2024 by XxSecretCodexX (talk | contribs)
"Forecazt: 23°F, 19°F, 18°F, -13.3°C, -13.3°C, 4°F."
Mon Amour Trivia | Cipher | 1 Word
Hover over the clues if you require!
Clue 1: ForecA1Z26t?
Clue 2: What number does the Celsius give when turned to Fahrenheit?
Clue 3: Keep the two Celsius numbers as the number. Any other name for this?
Answer and Explanation
Answer: NEXRAD
Explanation: The puzzle is spelt as 'Forecazt' instead of the regular 'Forecast', hinting at something to do with the letter Z. Converting the regular Fahrenheit numbers via A1Z26 and switching the Celsius to Fahrenheit gives 'wsr88d', the official term for the radar more commonly known as NEXRAD.
Summary of Receipt