CD-32B102 (May 20, 2017)

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“What really matters.”
See: C-32B101 | 4 Words


Hover over the clues if you require!
Clue 1: A quick read of C-32B101?
Clue 2: It is what 32B1 stands for.
Clue 3: What does "all this Dark and Umbra nonsense" distract from?

Answer and Explanation

Answer: Three To Become One
Explanation: In C-32B101, Manager says that all the Dark and Umbra nonsense is taking away their focus from the thing that really matters, which is Three To Become One.


Summary of Receipt



NUMBER: 32B102
DATE: 20-5-17

I totally see where Rico is coming from. Are we allowed to use real names in the AND channel? I think so, right? Anyway… I don’t entirely disagree with where he’s coming from. After finding out about… well, you all know, the Three to Become One—it’s kinda left me up at night wondering if that’s the only reason I’m still alive, you know? Like—if we are actually fated for some greater purpose, is that why the sacrifice wasn’t successful? I mean, I know that in a literal sense, the ritual failed due to Rico’s interference… with some help from Jules, of course. But… that’s just it, isn’t it? Rico, Jules, and me… we’re fated to be together. To become one.

At first, I thought it was super lucky. Beyond lucky. Then, I came to understand that it was merely fate. Predetermined to be. There’s no luck involved. But… it’s more complicated than that, isn’t it? The only thing keeping us from fulfilling our “destiny” now is the Wicked’s Blight inside of us. But the Wicked isn’t working alone. He is part of a group seeking the destruction of the Universe. And the leader of the group? Fate.

But then… it can’t be “Fate” who saved us, can it? Because if we were “Fated” to fulfill our destiny, then why would Fate allow the Wicked to infect us with his Blight? Because we weren’t saved by Fate. There was no luck. No predetermination. We were saved by a serious amount of work—work put in by our… by the one who made us. And, like, that’d be great and all… except… What’s worse? Fate and the Wicked?

…or the Devil?

I don’t know. We don’t know. It’s—complicated. And uncertain. And scary. And… maybe, just maybe, we could do something “easy?” A distraction? We’ve got time to figure out what we’re going to do regarding our “purpose.” And, yes, I’m sure the IRIS Company could handle Umbra… but… maybe we just need some time to fight something more black and white?