C-CFLN05 (Jan 5, 2024)

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See: C-GGG06 | 1 Word


Hover over the clues if you require!
Clue 1: Match the colour given in the puzzle to the 'prophecy' in C-GGG06.
Clue 2: What's the main theme in all the light-orange text?
Clue 3: More specifically, what's the main emotion?

Answer and Explanation

Answer: Fear
Explanation: This is the feeling corresponding to the colour (peach-orange) indicated in C-GGG06.


Summary of Receipt



[Date | Jan-5-24]
[Barista | Peppermint]
[Subject | Business as Usual]
[File Reference | C-CFLN05]

Mad colorful, huh? More than just 'lighting it seems like our 'Der is onto some sort of empathic imprint writing. Is it prophetic? Perchance. See, what I think happened is this: in the not-so-far-off future, someone is going to be experiencing some strong ass emotions. Big enough to send a whole ripple through the threads of fate right to our very own 'Gur. It's not quite as useful as prophecies on demand, but it's some tasty comfort food 'theless. We should start keeping an eye and ear out for anyone who is… on fire.

'Suming this is all legit—there are some other nuggets of nutrients in that emotive prophecy that I'm particularly 'terested in. Our fire starter has apparently been in talks with God. At least if I'm readin' it right. 'Gur stuff has always been fairly sub', though. Like, even if 'Der could grab visions on the go, they'd still be tangled up in ‘jacent timelines that have not the slightest to do with our own. It's all about readin' in-between the lines with prophecies. Even then, there's some interestin' in-betweens here. And once we find this person on fire, we can see how much of 'Der's prophesizing actually matches up with their emotions.

Also, it's probably worth looking into, though far out of my personal realm of expertise—how did 'Der get the CaDCom to change colors like that? Certainly matches that chunk of stained glass she uses to see the ‘sides with. As far as I know, we're limited to just black and white. It'd be cool if I could get a color of my own. Hell, we could all be rockin' our own colors. 'Mint's a bit tough color-wise… stuck between red and white, and we're already all stuck on white. I figure 'La would take white anyhow, but red is not my color. Eh, scrap the whole idea. Probably not worth the trouble.