C-CFLN04 (Dec 23, 2023)

From Cafe and Diner
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See: C-GGG02 | 3 Words


Hover over the clues if you require!
Clue 1: If you haven't read C-GGG02, I would suggest you do it now.
Clue 2: Quite literally following the word.

Answer and Explanation

Answer: Psychoempathic Augur Powers
Explanation: That was what was said to be 'emerging' in C-GGG02.


Summary of Receipt



[Date | Dec-23-23]
[Barista | Peppermint]
[Subject | Business as Usual]
[File Reference | C-CFLN04]

Alright 'inated compatriots, let's dig into Augurs a bit. I know, I know, we're all pretty much on the same page and all, but a 'fresher never hurts. As far as I know—Augurs are sort of like… humans who have a little extra magical edge to them. And it's a natural edge, too, not something you can learn to do. Well, no, you can learn to do it but at that point you're just practicing magic which is 'tically different. Unless you get your Augur powers given to you by a higher entity—eh, but then you're tiptoeing toward practitioning or pacting which is also different from Augurs and Magicians.

It's… all a bit 'fusing. Easiest way for me to tell an Augur apart from all the other types of magic-men is that they have second sight. Second sight is the power to see beyond the veil and into the Otherside. Which is super massively useful, especially for an 'zation such as ours. Being able to see where the Otherside is in relation to our Flipside is… well, it's massive. Not only that, it's sort of a prerequisite to having a supernatural 'zation. The Society, Coven, and Eikos' all have Augurs. The Concord, too, I'd imagine, but—well, demons don't need second sight like we humans do.

Does the Cafe and Diner need an Augur? My vote would be yes. The original Cafe and Diner had No. 311, and she was able to see not only the Otherside—but all three regions at once. Downside, Midside, and Upside. There wasn't a customer they couldn't place with her help. But I understand that 'Scus has some seriously bad blood with this 'ticular Augur. Though she might not have a choice in the matter if the Society's records on active Augurs are correct. Our next nearest Augur is all the way down in Reno. Seems like that Fortune Teller is all we got—even if her powers aren’t quite fully working yet. Might as well snatch her up before the Coven or 'Ex does—should her powers fully pop.