C-SPS02 (Sep 14, 2001)

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Galao Trivia | 1 Word


Hover over the clues if you require!
Clue 1: The clue isn't directly related to Galao's trivia; it's a method of classification.
Clue 2: And no, not for colours. More of copyrighted products.
Clue 3: U.S.A. Patent Number.

Answer and Explanation

Answer: Flashlight
Explanation: That is the U.S. Patent Number for a flashlight.


Summary of Receipt

Galao explains how the Spire works. It ‘anchors’ the Necropolis together, sending a dead human to their correct Plane, or Necropolis Ring. It also steals some of their ‘essence’, converting it into Anima, repelling the Mayda and Everdark, and coagulating their hopes and dreams into the Spire itself. While obtaining dead people’s dreams will be tough, they mold together to form ‘solidifed glass’ of sorts. Thing is, it takes a lot of heat to burn that - even Carajillo’s magic has been ineffective. They need something else, so they’ll ask for help from the Order of the Luminaries (the group working to mend the Spire).


RECEIPT AS OF: 9/14/01
I’m not sure how we’re supposed to even fix this thing. The Spire isn’t just a structure made out of mundane materials; it literally is the Necropolis. In the same way, my Morningstar wouldn’t exist without the light of the Topside, the Infernus wouldn’t exist without the heat of the Engine, the Hauntaurskald and Mayda wouldn’t exist without the force of the split, and the Necropolis is nothing without the Spire. It not only holds up the endless ocean above, but it acts as the grand conduit of the dead. Without the Spire, this place would just be… whatever it was before Asmi staked the Spire here, the Everdark, I suppose.

When a Flipsider dies, it’s the Spire that essentially sorts them to their proper Ring or Plane. In the process, it strips them of their “essence,” expanding the power of Asmi and the Necropolis. Parts get minted into Anima, other bits work toward repelling the Mayda above or pushing out the Everdark around the Necropolis, and specifically, the hopes and dreams of the dead coagulate into the Spire. So, to properly mend it, we’d need a massive influx of dead people’s dreams which is not only hard to source but very dubiously ethical as well.

Thankfully, the Spire is more material than it is metaphorical. The dreams of the dead have become a sort of solidified glass. The advice of the Castellan was to try and melt the Spire to mend the splinters and fractures back together. Of course, it takes a lot of heat to melt solidified hope. It doesn’t help that fire in the Necropolis tends to burn with an eerie deathlike chill instead of actual heat. Even Carajillo’s fire blasts haven’t been enough to melt the Spire, only to make it glow for a few seconds. We need something hotter… and I bet someone in the Order can help.