DOTD01 (Oct 5, 2001)

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Summary of Receipt

Espresso notices that, while it is very fun, he can’t stop dancing. He suspects this to be Mr. Hamelin’s doing, in conjunction with Mrs. Ligeia’s singing. He also warns that exhaustion and intoxication aren’t exactly gone, just slowed down, since he’s noticing his own body start to give in.


RECEIPT AS OF: 10/05/01

Ghoulish golly, those cats really know how to swing it! I don’t know much about this “glam rock” thing, but I don’t need to understand the theatrics to love that rhythm! Ever since my pumpkin and her pals started playing, my toes haven’t stopped tapping! And, hey, no exhaustion means I’ve been able to dance to my heart’s content! Though… there is only so much dancing in me, yet my feet genuinely can’t seem to stop moving. I’m guessing this is the work of Mr. Hamelin. Mrs. Ligeia lures ‘em in, and Mr. Hamelin keeps ‘em moving.

I’m not sure what Mr. Rilke and Mrs. Weyer really add to the band composition. Of course, my darling Marocchino is the real star here. Without her, I doubt these cats would be able to keep a tune, let alone lure all these tourists in. Mr. Rilke is probably only doing this as a favor for Mistress or an attempt to up his status down below. And Mrs. Weyer? Well, she’s all over the Ballast! She’s making drinks, making conversation, dancing, partying, stopping fights, starting fights! I don’t know how she does it, even with the lack of exhaustion.

Though speaking of this alleged no exhaustion, no intoxication, it’s bull-honkey. I’ve been dancing and drinking for, I don’t know how long, but my legs are starting to give out. And the booze? Oh boy, the booze is working as intended! Mind you, I already had to drink a demon’s share to get tipsy before this, but I’ve noticed that any drink Mrs. Weyer prepares seems to have the normal intoxication effects, and perhaps doubly so. Even just a double whiskey is more than enough for me to feel the mirth in the air! All things to look into, I’m sure.