C-SAS05 (Nov 9, 2017)
“Weaver of Shadows.”
See: C-SAS04 | 1 Word”
Hover over the clues if you require!
Clue 1: More like Shadow Story Game Maker, right?
Clue 2: In the previous receipt, who did Big Guy say create the game?
Answer and Explanation
Answer: Kal-B-Cash
Explanation: In C-SAS04, this is who Big Guy said created the game Shadow Story.
Summary of Receipt
Barista strongly suggests that Big Guy play Shadow Story with her and New Guy.
DATE: 9-11-17
ok """""big guy"""""
listen here 26 you are (respectfully) DUMMY WRONG!
you are woefully misusing occam's razor. OBVIOUSLY the most OBVIOUS answer is that the dark has found a way to bring fictional characters to life and has brough the unseen and unheard to life because… well… have you beat em yet? no. no i didnt think so BIG guy. why havent you beat them yet??? because they are not easy to beat!! They are a lvl 15 MYTHIC boss my guy. you need to understand the delicate dance of listening for the unseen while watching the unheard and the ONLY way youre gonna do that is by manning the heck up and playing shadow story with me and the frog boy. im sorry. i dont make the rules.
though as your story master i will be making the rules. dont worry im not gonna make you all play through a full campaign just to fight the unseen and unheard. ive made lvl 15 character sheets for all of you so you can just skip all the fun and get straight into the learning. of course i do think you might need to go on like one or two tiny TINY one shots to get how the game works but then we will get right into the action packed (slow turn by turn) combat we all love so much.
look. ill level with you 26. you dont have to show up to game night on sunday. you dont. but will i still respect you? mm... its hard to say. ill probably get over it in time. it is just a game. but will lovely little loveland get over it? mmmmm........... i dont know. he is VERY excited to play this game with you. and also btw i peeped the months spread. knight of cups bucko. you all need a way to let your emotions out and there is no better way to let your emotions out than to watch tiny little polyhedrals betray you time and time again. itll be fun. i promise. your character is a druid. A DRUID! you get to turn into bad ass animals. come on man you know you want to turn into a wolf and beat up the bbeg who ive named dumbra.
come onnnn.